Celebrating New Life

by Terrica Joy in

Our Dallas baby shower was truly lovely.  Tea and scones, antique china, hosted at a wine bar/cellar that itself is absolutely stunning.  My hostesses rented out their private building next door, with beautifully arranged seating areas for easy conversation, candles and wine barrels scattered about, breathtaking photos of European vineyards adorning the walls.  We asked that people come and go at leisure staying as little or as long as they'd like, no pressure.  

It was so nice to see so many people we love in such a setting, many driving hours just to drop in for a bit.  Childhood best friends, colleagues, grandparents, cousins and aunts, our beautiful church family, on and on...

Erin took dozens and dozens of photos from black and whites to standard, but she also captured a few on her 1976 vintage Cannon.  I'm totally in love with them.  The lighting and ambiance... gorgeous.  Makes me want a film camera, like, right this second.

Because film can be really tricky particularly on a vintage camera she didn't take a ton of these, but here's a tiny taste for ya (by the way, these photos are entirely unedited):

Such a beautiful day.  The sweetest well wishes and penned prayers, adorable gifts, dozens of baby girl name guesses.  (Which by the way, there were some really good ones!  A few people got awfully close... ;-)  We will truly treasure the day, the faces, and the memories forever.  Thank you, dearest friends, for being with us to celebrate new life.  It meant the world to us.

And thank you to my amazing, love-them-more-than-words hostesses, as well.  Shannon and Erin.  Can't imagine what I'd do without you.

(And no this is not a film shot, obviously and sadly.  But it is way cheesy cute. ;-)