It's no secret whatsoever that I'm a tea lover. I love to come across anything new particularly when there are health benefits, and this new flavor has been rocking my pregnant world!
During one of our very first Bradley childbirth classes a few months ago, our class instructor served all the pregnant moma's red raspberry leaf tea informing us that it helps to tone and prepare the uterus for labor (among dozens of other benefits, some not even pregnancy related). Of course I went home and started furiously researching the claim to see if there was any truth to it. Much to my delight, there are some downright amazing testimonials and research out there! (Shorter labor, less pain, prevents pre-term labor, lessons bleeding after birth, more energy, helps prevent "baby blues," the list goes on and on... A simple Google search will pull up any and everything you could ever want to know.)
But like anything else we put in our bodies, product quality makes a huge difference in terms of effectiveness. I did a bit of checking around but was pretty sure Mountain Rose Herbs would still trump all else in terms of both cost and quality, and they did, no competition.
A gigantic 1 lb. bag (raw, organic, fair-trade, essentially the best quality you can get) cost me a whopping $8. Nice! I was stoked. Thank you once again Mountain Rose, for making all my dreams come true... I've been drinking it by the pot every day since it arrived.
If ever you've had babies this is likely old news to you, but if it isn't, you're welcome ;-)